November 4, 2009

Handmade Christmas

I just stumbled onto the most adorable blog and had to share it all with you!  And right now she is hosting 12 days of handmade Christmas tutorials.  I just got done looking over the first 4 tutes and let me tell you, they look super cute and super easy.  I am trying to figure out what all I am making and who I am giving them to.  I might make some things for me as well.  You might as well, you already have all the supplies and everything out while you are making them, right?!?!?!  So, if you are in my family or a close friend, which as of right now, I know that is pretty much all I have as followers, (I love you all!  Thanks for keeping up with my lil ole blog!) let me know if you see something you like and give me a hint!  ;)  Now if only all the men in my life would like some of these cute gifts!  Men!  They are so stinking hard to shop for.  Let me know if you try one out, I would love to see how your crafts turned out. 

Go over to Life In Grace and check out her blog.  She is a mom of 8, not a typo, yes 8 and still finds time to do great crafty things.  I have got to get my crap together, I only have 2.

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